The best way to protect your wet resined art as it cures is with a dust cover. Placing a dust cover over your piece will help keep it clean and dust-free while the resin cures.
Make sure to have the dust cover nearby as you work. Once you’ve finished torching, you can cover your freshly resined piece right away, without leaving it exposed while searching for a cover.
How To Reduce Dust Before You Resin
Did you know that your AC and a simple spray bottle of water can help protect your artwork from dust?
Resin artist Alexis Puleio shares her favorite dust-zapping tips ⚡️:
Turn off the AC to minimize blowing air and dust. Depending on your location and time of year, this may mean turning off the furnace instead. If that’s not an option, closing the vents in your resin workspace can make a big difference.
Spritz the air with water. A light spray helps capture dust particles in the air, pulling them down to the floor and reducing the chance of airborne dust settling on your freshly resined piece.
Also, be sure to dust off ceiling lights or fans to avoid dust drifting into your work area!
Dave also has a few tricks up his sleeve when it comes to keeping dust off your resined artwork.
While he's a fan of using a spray bottle to reduce airborne dust, Dave also recommends cans of compressed air for quickly dusting off your work surface and even the inside of your dust cover.
Dave emphasizes that the best tool to protect your wet resin while it cures is a sturdy, solid dust cover. It’s the simplest way to ensure your artwork cures smoothly without any unwanted dust, flies, or hair stuck in it.
What Are the Best Covers to Protect Resin Art From Dust?
The right dust cover will help to prevent dust, a fly, pet hair, or other debris from getting stuck in your cured resin.
Here are some of our favorite DIY dust cover ideas that you can easily find around the house.

Here's Joanne with more:
How To Protect Large Resin Art From Dust
Now, what if you've created a gigantic piece of art that needs a resin coat—how on earth do you cover it to keep dust away?
Once again, artist Alexis Puleio has the perfect solution! She built an 11-foot wooden crate (with help from her dad) to protect an enormous commission for her local hospital while it cured overnight.
It's a fantastic, reusable way to keep large resin pieces safe from dust!
Alexis says,
I usually make [my boxes] out of cardboard, but for this large project, I needed something sturdy. All sides hinge all the way down (with duct tape), so that they're out of the way while I pour the resin, and then they hinge up and lock in place once the resin has been poured, and the top covers can then be placed over top. The top has handles so that they can be easily carried over. I have done a PVC pipe fort before with a plastic tarp over head, but dust and hair always falls from the plastic into the resin...and with the box, you can actually create your piece inside of it! ...
This box is a beast! I love it!
Here's another simple way to keep large pieces dust-free while they cure:
Place 4 paint cans at each corner of your artwork, then prop a large stretched canvas on top. For extra protection, drape a plastic drop sheet over the whole setup to create a dust-proof tent, keeping your piece clean from all sides.
This will help your resin art cure perfectly, without any unwanted debris!

Another great option for protecting large resin pieces is to build a simple frame out of wood. Use a staple gun to attach heavy-duty plastic to the frame, creating a sturdy cover for your artwork. For added protection, drape a clean plastic drop sheet over the frame to create a tent-like structure, keeping dust out from all sides.
This DIY solution ensures your resin art stays clean while curing!

Check out our blog Where Should I Epoxy Resin My Work?
Do you want to learn more about troubleshooting epoxy resin? Read our guides below:
- ArtResin’s Troubleshooting Guide
- Tips To Prevent Bubbles
- Can I Fix Small Imperfections In My Resin?
- Is It Possible To Overstir My ArtResin?
- How Do I Remove Epoxy Resin Drips?
- Is It Possible To Over Torch My ArtResin?
- Epoxy Resin Not Hardening
- How To Prevent Bendy Resin
- How To Fix Soft, Sticky Spots In My Resin?
- How Can I Avoid Getting Dimples In My Epoxy Resin?
- How Can I Get Rid Of Bubbles In My Cured Resin?
- What Happens If I Overtorch Resin?
- Why Does My Resin Look Cloudy?
- Why Is My Epoxy Resin Still Sticky?
- Why Are There Bare Spots In My Cured Resin?
- What Does Silicone Do To Resin?
ArtResin: The Original Epoxy For Resin Art