@amydudagray Is Our Instagram Winner!

@amydudagray Is Our Instagram Winner!

Congratulations to artist Amy Gray, our latest Instagram winner!  Amy is a painter based in Lawrence, KS who paints geometric patterns over wood panels,  finished with a glossy coat of resin: "A lot of my work is inspired by the beauty of the prairies of Kansas and also from various places I have travelled. I hope the viewer can see the inspiration behind the shapes and that it reminds them of places they enjoy too. I want them to find inspiration in the colors and forms I have chosen."

Does where you're from or where you currently live influence your work? 

Yes, very much. The wide open spaces of the Great Plains are sources of inspiration in my artwork.


What's your art background?  Are you self-taught or did you study art? 

I am self- taught but I occasionally take classes at the local Art Center.


Are you a full-time artist or do you create around work hours? 

I wish I was full-time! But no, I usually paint early mornings before I go to work. 




What do you love about the mediums that you use in your work? 

I enjoy the versatility of acrylic paint and that it dries so quickly and you can mix an infinite number of colors. 


How did you discover resin? 

My sister-in-law was showing me how to do pour painting and she covered those pieces in resin. I had never seen it prior to that. 


How has resin impacted your artwork? 

Resin totally MAKES my pieces! Without the resin they would just be lackluster
geometric shapes. 




Can you provide a brief rundown of your process? 

I design the geometric shapes and paint each shape with acrylic paint on a cradled wood panel. I cover it all in resin. 


Why do you want to make art? What motivates you to create? 

I have always had the need to do something creative. Painting, decorating cookies, quilt making, sewing , making greeting cards etc. The process itself is rewarding but I also enjoy connecting with the viewer to explain my process and to see their reactions to my work. 


Does art help you in other areas of your life? 

It has enabled me to make connections with members of the community that otherwise I wouldn’t have. I am a member of the Lawrence Art Guild and also on the committee that puts on the local art show every fall. 



What do you hope someone sees or feels when they look at your art? 

A lot of my work is inspired by the beauty of the prairies of Kansas and also from various places I have travelled. I hope the viewer can see the inspiration behind the shapes and that it reminds them of places they enjoy too. I want them to find inspiration in the colors and forms I have chosen.


How do you define success as an artist?

I feel, in general, as long as an artist is enjoying the process of making their art that is an indicator of success. I personally would love to be able to make art full-time but it’s definitely a goal to work towards. 


What's your favorite resin tip you'd like to share with our readers? 

One thing I feel that is so important to be aware of is the temperature in the room. I work in my basement where it can be cold and it definitely affects the finish of the resin. 


Where do you sell your work? 

I do have a website, it’s horrible though! I never have the motivation to add new pieces. I sell my pieces at a local salon that allows me to display my art. Also, the Art Guild puts on several shows a year and I have done a few art fairs . I really enjoy those, getting the chance to meet and interact with my customers. 


Congratulations on your win, Amy!

To see more of Amy's art

Visit her website: amygrayart.com
follow her on Instagram: @amydudagrayart


Every month, to celebrate our community of artists, ArtResin will send out a  32 oz kit to two lucky people who have tagged us on Instagram,  showing the work they've created with ArtResin.   



ArtResin:  The Original Epoxy For Resin Art.

About the author: Joanne Wright

I'm Joanne, the Content Manager at ArtResin. Originally from Canada, my home is now Indianapolis, Indiana. My love of all things creative and my entrepreneurial heart means I’ve worn many hats over the years including fashion producer & stylist, retail store owner, t-shirt designer, and even vegan baker! I am...