Can I Drill Into ArtResin After It Cures?

Can I Drill Into ArtResin After It Cures?
Yes! Cured ArtResin is totally machineable, meaning you can drill it, buff it, polish it, sand it, even turn it on a lathe, but remember: use caution and ensure you wear a dust mask to avoid breathing in any of the cured dust particles.

💡 TIP: As long as your ArtResin is fully cured, you should have no problem drilling it, but there are a couple of common sense steps you can take to avoid the risk of your resin cracking:

  • Don’t drill too close to the edge.
  • Start off with a small drill bit, and drill through all the way first. Work your way up with larger bits until you get to the size you desire. 

Check out our blog What Happens If Epoxy Resin Freezes?
Read how to make resin cure faster!


ArtResin: Made By Artists For Artists

About the author: Dave Zak

Hi, I'm Dave, a Canadian-based entrepreneur. I was born an artist and I love to tinker and create things. After studying art and working in marketing, I founded ArtResin in 2008 in response to the toxic and yellowing resin products that were giving me headaches and ruining my artwork.