Does ArtResin offer discounts, coupons or Black Friday sales?
No, ArtResin does not offer coupons or Black Friday discounts.
To learn why, please read on...
Does ArtResin ever go on sale?
We are proud that ArtResin is the safest, highest quality epoxy resin on the market. We've never been willing to sacrifice on safety or quality and ArtResin is carefully priced to reflect the costs associated with this.
To be honest, it costs a lot to manufacture a product like ArtResin, but when you're uncompromising in safety and quality, things cost more. Value comes in many different forms, however, and when you purchase ArtResin, we want you to feel confident that you're getting the best value for your money. Here are 4 ways we provide value -- they are the principles that set ArtResin apart from the rest since the beginning:
- Safety: ArtResin is non-toxic, contains no solvents and produces no fumes or VOCs. We have the test results to back it up.
- Quality: We only use the highest grade raw materials. We never add in cheap fillers to stretch out our formula.
- Made For Artwork: ArtResin was formulated by artists to meet the creative needs of artists.
- Product Support: When it comes to customer service, instructional blogs, how-to videos and inspirational social media posts, we got you.
Let's take a closer look at each of these:
1. Safety
ArtResin may be more expensive than some other resins, but we firmly believe that safety is worth every penny. The unfortunate truth is that most epoxy resins on the market are really bad for you. They use ingredients that can burn your skin, cause cancer, reproductive harm, and respiratory damage. The damage they cause can be irreversible.
When Dave and I first started our foray into resin for our own artwork, we found ourselves frustrated that everything was so dreadfully toxic. So, we sought the help of a chemist to develop a resin formula that wouldn’t give us headaches and could be used at home with kids and pets around. It didn’t exist at that time, but we knew there must be other artists who were also looking for a safe resin.
Our goal of a safe, crystal clear resin was simple, but not necessarily simple to achieve. In fact, we devoted much of our resources and years of our time testing formulas and sourcing ingredients until our standards were met. Once we felt the ArtResin formula was perfect enough to use ourselves, we had it 3rd party tested for safety so we could confidently share it with other artists.
ArtResin contains no fillers or solvents that can cause headaches, respiratory distress and other toxic effects: It has a low odor and, because everything in the ArtResin formula bonds together chemically, it releases NO VOCs and no fumes that can damage your lungs. Once cured, ArtResin is completely inert and is safe for food contact. We can back these claims up with independent, 3rd party testing certifications. To this day, we continue to test ArtResin across worldwide safety standards so that artists across the globe can use it with confidence.
Dave and I also felt it was important to make ArtResin's Safety Data Sheet transparent and accessible so you can feel confident about its safety too. ArtResin's SDS (like any SDS) outlines precautions such as personal protective measures when using the product, potential skin or eye irritation and first aid procedures. It advises on the chemical properties of the ingredients, as well as safe storage, handling, transport and disposal considerations.
In our SDS, you will never find the scary skin corrosion or skull and cross bone pictograms you see in most other epoxy resin Safety Data Sheets. And unlike many companies who only supply their SDS upon request (and sometimes don't even do that), ArtResin's SDS is available on our website, and has been since Day 1.
The bottom line is that the resin you're using shouldn't hurt you. Do you know if your epoxy resin brand is safe? Learn how to spot the red flags in our blog How Dangerous Is Your Epoxy Resin?
2. Quality
ArtResin is an exceptionally clear epoxy resin that offers long term clarity and protection. We are able to achieve this because we use the highest quality raw materials, and test each one for purity before introducing it into a batch of product.
ArtResin's price is based on the cost of the materials it takes to produce it. We do not inflate the cost of our product so that we can turn around and put it on sale. Using safe and effective ingredients costs more and, as with most things in life, you get what you pay for.
On the other hand, something you will never find in our product is cheap filler to stretch out the formula and drive down the cost. Here are some important things to know about filler:
- Most commercial resins on the market contain filler and diluents: These fillers are almost always solvents, which makes these products toxic.
- Most fillers and diluents are non-reactive: This means they don't bond with the other ingredients in the formula and have nowhere to go except release as VOCs and fumes into the air. Not only is this a serious health hazard, but it also causes shrinkage in the cured resin.
- Cheap fillers are often flammable: If the instruction manual advises you not to use a flame torch due to flammability, BEWARE!
Cheap epoxy resin may seem like good value, but will cost you in other ways: Cheap epoxy resins can ruin your artwork and, more importantly, harm your health.
We want to ensure the safety of the artists who use ArtResin and protect the artwork made with it.

3. Made For Artwork
ArtResin is different than other epoxy resins on the market. Specifically formulated to meet the creative needs of artists and crafters, ArtResin prioritizes ease of use, longterm clarity and superior protection against UV yellowing.
We decided to develop ArtResin after learning the hard way that even the best epoxy resins on the market came with big problems: they had complicated mixing ratios, a short working time, they were difficult to work with, and they could only be used outdoors due to their noxious odor and fumes. These resins ruined our artwork with bubbles, cloudy cures, gloss loss, cracking, delamination and, of course, yellowing.
In addition to safety and quality, our list of resin non-negotiables included:
- Low odor: to work indoors without stinking out the house or studio.
- 1:1 ratio by volume: an easy to follow mixing ratio that didn't require math formulas or weighing each component.
- 45 minute working time: enough time to prepare and apply the product, and the ability to coat several pieces in one batch without the resin getting too thick to work with.
- Medium viscosity: a perfect, honey-like consistency that was thin enough to self-level and spread with ease, but thick enough to control.
- Bubble reduction: degassing agents built in so that bubbles released to the surface, plus a non-flammable formula that could withstand a flame torch.
UV protection: a proprietary blend of both UV and HALS light stabilizers to make it doubly effective against UV damage. ArtResin diminishes the yellowing process at the outset making it much more difficult for yellowing to occur.
Any artist thinking of using resin over their artwork should choose a product that has been formulated for creative purposes to save themselves money, effort and time. Namely, it should be UV light stabilized, deemed non-toxic when used as directed, have an easy to use formula and produce a gorgeous, glossy finish.
Which resin offers all of that?
It's easy ... ArtResin.
4. Customer Support
We believe that proper customer service and product guidance year round brings far greater value to our customers than the occasional promotion. Here are all the ways that we offer support:
1. Customer service:
- Call Us: Speak to a real, live, super nice human anytime Monday-Friday between 9:30AM - 4:30PM EST by calling 1-877-401-4001. If we happen to miss you, leave us a voice message and we'll call you back. Promise.
- Write Us: Send us a message at or through the Contact Us page on our website. We'll get back to you by the next business day.
2. FAQs: We have over 100 of the most common resin questions on our website. If you've asked it, it's almost guaranteed that we answered it.
3. Blogs: We have hundreds of blogs on every subject you can think of, including working with resin, troubleshooting, how-to projects, artist profiles, resin tips, and more. Really! And, if we missed something, let us know what you'd like us to cover next. You can also can get in touch with customer service by leaving a blog comment and we'll answer you there.
4. Videos: If you're a visual learner, check out our almost 1000 YouTube videos that will inspire, teach and entertain you. Search by most recent uploads or by category including 101 basics, How To Projects, Artist Profiles, and language playlist including Spanish, German, French and Italian. Leave a question or comment to connect with our YouTube community or with our customer service department.
5. Social Media: Get social with us on all the major platforms including Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and Pinterest. ArtResin's social media is a great place for resin tips, exclusive project videos, artist profiles, product news, online giveaways and so much more.
6. Newsletter: Sign up for our E-Newsletter to receive our free Guide To Gorgeous Resin, plus all the latest ArtResin news. Our newsletter goes out every 2 weeks -- you have our word that we'll never spam you.
Connect with us through customer service, on our blogs and videos or on our social media platforms. Join our online community of artists to share ideas, conversation, and to make the world a more creative place.
Why have I seen ArtResin coupons, promo & discount codes online?
Unfortunately, certain online companies have co-opted the ArtResin name to advertise a promo code, online coupon or discount. It's confusing, we know, but we can assure you that we have no affiliation with these organizations and that the codes are not valid.
At the end of the day, when you factor in the quality, the safety, the performance and the customer support, ArtResin epoxy resin is an absolute value for the cost.
If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below. If you are already an ArtResin customer, thank you! If you have not used ArtResin, we hope we've given you four great reasons to encourage you to give it a try!
ArtResin: Made By Artists, For Artists.