How To Make Resin Tumblers

How To Make Resin Tumblers

Epoxy resin is an easy way to transform a boring old mug into a fun, personalized tumbler!  With step by step instructions and a YouTube video tutorial, we'll show you 4 different ideas and projects to make your own DIY resin tumbler for beginners, including a glitter tumbler, an alcohol ink tumbler, a marbled tumbler and a striped tumbler.

Supplies you'll need:

  • ArtResin epoxy resin
  • an insulated tumbler ( stainless steel is best as epoxy resin doesn't adhere to plastic )
  • painter's tape
  • spray paint
  • craft materials of your choice to decorate your tumbler: glitter & spray adhesive, alcohol ink & sponges, ResinTint liquid colorant
  • nitrile gloves
  • plastic mixing cups and stir sticks
  • plastic drop sheet to line your work surface
  • a small foam football
  • a cup turner made from a Universal Rotisserie assembled onto a wood base

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Let's get started with our directions.



Assemble Your Cup Turner: 

We saw a great tutorial by our customer Holli Mostella who demonstrated how to turn an ordinary barbecue rotisserie into a fantastic cup turner!  We picked up a Universal Rotisserie at our local hardware store and, with a few easy steps, we mounted it on some scrap pieces of wood.  

💡 TIP: A cup turner gives the advantage of slowly and constantly rotating the tumbler to provide even coverage with no drips. Although you could resin a tumbler and mount it vertically (taping off the bottom to catch drips),  we really feel that the constant rotation of a cup turner can't be beat for even coverage!

Make A Resin Tumbler - Re-attach the spit rod and tumbler


Supplies You'll Need: 

  • a Universal Rotisserie kit (available at most hardware stores)

  • drill and screws

  • wood glue

  • a 12" length of 2 x 4 wood 

  • a 12 17.5" piece of wood to act as the base

  • a foam football (available at the dollar store)

  • a level


1. Add glue 

 Along one of the 12" sides of your wood base, glue the 12" piece of 2 x 4.  Glue the grate bracket in the centre of the other 12" side.  Once the glue has dried, affix the upper grate bracket using the screws and hex nuts included in the kit.

Your cup turner should look like this:

Make A Resin Tumbler - Mounting Bracket


2. Mounting Bracket

 Line up the motor's mounting bracket on the outside of the 2 x 4 so that, once inserted, the rod will sit perfectly level. Screw the bracket to the 2 x 4 using the electric drill.  

Make A Resin Tumbler - Assemble Your Cup Turner

Make A Resin Tumbler - Screw the bracket

3. Slide the electric motor onto the mounting bracket

 Attach the collars onto either ends of the spit rod. Insert one end into the electric motor, resting the other end on the far bracket. Using a level, make sure the rod is perfectly horizontal.

Make A Resin Tumbler - Slide the electric motor onto the mounting bracket
Make A Resin Tumbler - resting the other end on the far bracket
Make A Resin Tumbler - Insert one end into the electric motor

4. Spit Rod

Cut an X into one end of the foam football. Insert the pointed end of the spit rod straight through the entire length of the football, then insert into the tumbler, pushing the football and spit rod down to the bottom of the tumbler. Re-attach the spit rod and tumbler back onto the motor and bracket. Check with a level to make sure it's sitting perfectly horizontal to ensure even resin coverage.

Now you're ready to create!

Make A Resin Tumbler - Insert the pointed end of the spit rod
Make A Resin Tumbler - make sure the rod is perfectly horizontal
Make A Resin Tumbler - Cut an X into one end of the foam football
Make A Resin Tumbler - make sure it's sitting perfectly horizontal to ensure even resin coverage

Which Type Of Tumbler Is Best To Resin?

Make A Resin Tumbler - Ensure your tumbler has fully cured

Whichever epoxy tumblers you choose to use, it's best to look for a double walled or insulated tumbler. 
Why? The maximum temperature cured ArtResin can come in contact with is 120°F or 50°C. A freshly brewed coffee or tea can easily exceed this temperature which may cause the cured resin to soften. If you're planning on using your tumbler for hot beverages, an insulated tumbler will keep the exterior of the tumbler cool. For this same reason, it's ideal to choose a tumbler with a plastic lip at the top so that the resin won't have to come into contact with a hot beverage.

Let's go through some of the more common tumbler materials, one by one:

1. Metal

Stainless steel is your best bet when applying resin to a tumbler. Epoxy resin adheres very nicely to stainless steel and although it doesn't require coats of spray painting, you can certainly apply a base coat to compliment your colour palette. If you're planning on using the tumbler for hot drinks, always choose an insulated tumbler to protect the resin from the heat.

Learn how to resin metal.

2. Plastic

Avoid using plastic tumblers for this project. Epoxy resin does not adhere to plastic and can peel off in time. If your tumbler has a small amount of plastic on it, you can cover it with a plastic-compatible spray paint to give the resin something to hang onto. 

3. Glass and Ceramic

Resined glass or ceramic tumblers should only be used for cold beverages. The glass or ceramic will absorb the heat from hot beverages and the residual heat could cause the resin to soften. Insulated tumblers with glass interiors are fine to use as long the exterior is stainless steel.

4. A Note on Vinyl Decals:

 Many artists are placing vinyl decals on their tumblers and then sealing the decal with a final coat of ArtResin. While this is a beautiful technique, we do recommend sealing the decal once it has been applied to the tumbler with a spray sealant or Mod Podge.

We also recommend using gloves when adhering your decal to your tumbler. Your hands may have moisturizer or oily residue that will repel the resin causing voids and divots. Using gloves helps control any issues that can pop up as the resin cures.


DIY Epoxy Tumbler Ideas 


Red, White & Blue Striped Tumbler: 

What You'll Need:

  • an insulated stainless steel tumbler, taped off and spray painted white
  • ArtResin epoxy resin 
  • nitrile gloves 
  • mixing container 
  • stir stick 
  • ResinTint liquid colorant in light blue, dark blue, white and red
  • 4 x plastic shot glasses ( one for each colour )
  • 4 x popsicle sticks ( one for each colour )
  • an empty plastic tote or cardboard box to protect your piece while it dries

Make A Resin Tumbler - Red, White and Blue Striped Tumbler


1.  Prepare Your Work Area And Tumbler

Ensure your work surface is lined with a plastic drop sheet to catch the drips. Place your cup turner on your work surface. Tape off the plastic lip of the tumbler ( and base if necessary. ) Spray paint the tumbler if desired. Insert the pointed end of the spit rod into the foam football, then insert into the tumbler, pushing the football and rod down to the bottom of the cup. Insert one end into the motor and the other end into the bracket. Check with a level to ensure the cup is sitting perfectly horizontal.
💡TIP:  It's a good idea to add some painter's tape to the spit rod to protect it from resin drips.

Make A Resin Tumbler - popsicle stick or gloved finger to carefully spread it
Make A Resin Tumbler - slowly pour the light blue tinted
Make A Resin Tumbler - Insert one end into the motor

Make A Resin Tumbler - measure and mix your ArtResin according the instructions 


2. Prepare Your Resin:


Wearing gloves, prepare your ArtResin according to the label instructions, measuring accurately and mixing thoroughly. Using one plastic shot glass per colour tint, divide your prepared ArtResin amongst your cups. Add the tint and mix thoroughly.

💡 TIP:  Always start with less tint than you think you need, adding more as necessary. ResinTint is a richly saturated pigment so a little goes a long way. No matter which colorant you use, never add more than 6% of the total combined volume of resin and hardener to ensure the best mixture ratio or your resin may not cure properly.

Make A Resin Tumbler - measuring accurately and mixing thoroughly

Make A Resin Tumbler - Use the popsicle stick or gloved finger

Make A Resin Tumbler - plastic shot glass per colour tint

3.  Apply The Resin To The Tumbler

Flip the rotisserie motor on and as the cup is turning, slowly pour the light blue tinted resin over the spinning tumbler. Use the popsicle stick or gloved finger to carefully spread it. Repeat the process with the dark blue, white and red tinted resin. If you wish, you can drizzle a little white over each colour for a marbled effect.

Make A Resin Tumbler - Repeat the process with the use of red tinted resin

Make A Resin Tumbler - Prepare Your Work Surface And Tumbler

Make A Resin Tumbler - cup turner
Make A Resin Tumbler - other end into the bracket

4.  Let The Tumbler Cure:

Leaving the motor running, allow the cup to continue turning until the resin is dry to the touch, approximately 18-24 hours later. Remove the tumbler from the cup turner and remove the tape. Allow the cup to continue curing - it will be fully cured at the 72 hour mark.

💡 TIP: If there is any tape residue left on your tumbler, you can use a little vegetable oil or a product like Goo Gone to remove it.  If there is any ArtResin that seeped under the tape, you can remove it with a little acetone or rubbing alcohol. If the resin has already cured, use a blade or some sandpaper to scrape it off. Wipe any sanding residue away with damp cloth. Wash the tumbler thoroughly with soapy water 
before use.

Marbled Resin Tumbler: 

What You'll Need:

  • an insulated stainless steel tumbler, taped off and spray painted white
  • ArtResin epoxy resin 
  • nitrile gloves 
  • mixing container 
  • stir stick 
  • ResinTint liquid colorant in the colours of your choice ( we used white, purple, pearl blue, pink and gold )
  • white glitters to add to the white resin
  • gold glitters to add to the gold resin
  • 5 x plastic shot glasses ( one for each colour )
  • 5 x popsicle sticks ( one for each colour )
  • an empty plastic tote or cardboard box to protect your piece while it dries

Make A Resin Tumbler - Resin Marbled Tumbler

1. Prepare Your Materials:

Prepare the work surface and cup turner as above.  Wearing gloves, carefully measure and mix your ArtResin according the instructions. Divide among the 5 plastic shot glasses, one per colour, reserving some clear resin in your mixing cup.  Add your tint to each cup, as above, mixing thoroughly. If desired, add glitter to your resin for a sparkle effect!

Make A Resin Tumbler - Divide among the 5 plastic shot glasses
Make A Resin Tumbler - apply each colour, one by one

2.  Apply The Resin To Your Tumbler 

Turn the rotisserie motor on and, with the tumbler spinning, apply a clear coat of ArtResin, spreading it evenly over the entire surface with your gloved hands. This first coat of clear resin will help the tinted resin to blend, creating a marble effect as the tumbler turns. Starting with your darkest colour first, apply each colour, one by one, in a diagonal fashion.  

💡 TIP:  Always start by applying less resin to see how the colours blend. You can always add more if you wish.  

Make A Resin Tumbler - applying less resin to see how the colours blend
Make A Resin Tumbler - spreading it evenly over the entire surface
Make A Resin Tumbler - pointed end of the spit rod into the foam football
Make A Resin Tumbler - Starting with your darkest colour first
Make A Resin Tumbler - slowly pour the ArtResin onto the surface of the tumbler as it turns
Make A Resin Tumbler - clear resin will help the tinted resin to blend


4.  Let The Tumbler Cure

Leaving the motor running, allow the cup to continue turning until the resin is dry to the touch, approximately 18-24 hours later. Remove the tumbler from the cup turner and remove the tape. Allow the cup to continue curing - it will be fully cured at the 72 hour mark.

DIY Glitter Resin Tumbler: 

What You'll Need:

  • an insulated stainless steel tumbler, spray painted purple
  • ArtResin epoxy resin 
  • nitrile gloves 
  • mixing container 
  • stir stick 
  • acrylic glitter paint and a paintbrush OR spray adhesive and loose glitter
  • an empty plastic tote or cardboard box to protect your piece while it dries

Make A Resin Tumbler - Resin Glitter Tumbler

1. Apply The Glitter To The Tumbler Cup

If using acrylic glitter paint, apply the paint with a brush to the entire surface of the tumbler and allow to dry. If using loose glitter, spray the entire surface of the tumbler with spray adhesive and, working over a sheet of paper to collect the spillage, generously sprinkle the glitter over the entire surface of the tumbler.  Allow the tumbler to dry throughly.

Make A Resin Tumbler - Wearing gloves, prepare your ArtResin according to the label instructions
Make A Resin Tumbler - paint with a brush to the entire surface
Make A Resin Tumbler - loose glitter

2. Apply A Coat Of Resin

Once the glitter coat is thoroughly dry, mount the tumbler onto the cup turner.  Wearing gloves, carefully measure and mix a small amount of ArtResin. Turn the rotisserie motor on and, with the tumbler turning, slowly pouring the ArtResin onto the surface of the tumbler as it turns, smoothing it out with your gloved hands. Once the entire surface has been evenly covered, allow it to turn until it is dry to the touch, within 18-24 hours.  Once dry, remove the tape and allow it to finish curing.  At 72 hours, it will have fully cured.

Make A Resin Tumbler - smoothing it out with your gloved hands
Make A Resin Tumbler - allow it to turn until it is dry to the touch
Make A Resin Tumbler - generously sprinkle the glitter over the entire surface

Alcohol Ink Resin Tumbler Cup: 

What You'll Need:

  • an insulated stainless steel tumbler, taped and spray painted white
  • ArtResin epoxy resin 
  • nitrile gloves 
  • mixing container 
  • stir stick 
  • alcohol ink ( we used light green, dark green, blue, white and gold )
  • 5 x sponges to apply the alcohol ink ( one per colour )
  • an empty plastic tote or cardboard box to protect your piece while it dries

Make A Resin Tumbler - Resin Alcohol Ink Tumbler

1. Apply The Alcohol Ink

Using a sponge, dab the alcohol ink onto your tumbler, one colour at a time in whatever pattern you wish. Work your way from light to dark, highlighting with gold at the end.

Make A Resin Tumbler - Work your way from light to dark
Make A Resin Tumbler - dab the alcohol ink onto your tumbler
Make A Resin Tumbler - light green, dark green, blue, white and gold
Make A Resin Tumbler - one colour at a time in whatever pattern you wish
Make A Resin Tumbler - highlighting with gold at the end


2. Mount the tumbler onto the cup turner

Once the alcohol ink has dried, mount the tumbler onto the cup turner. Wearing gloves, carefully measure and mix a small amount of clear ArtResin. Turn the rotisserie motor on and, with the tumbler turning, slowly pour the ArtResin onto the surface of the tumbler as it turns, smoothing it out with your gloved hands. Once the entire surface has been evenly covered, allow it to turn until it is dry to the touch, within 18-24 hours. Once dry, remove the tape and allow it to finish curing.  At 72 hours, it will have fully cured.

Make A Resin Tumbler - slowly pour the ArtResin

Tips to Preserve your Resin Tumbler Cup: 

Make A Resin Tumbler - Caring For Your Tumbler

  • The maximum temperature cured ArtResin should be exposed to is 120F or 50C. For this reason, hand wash your tumbler in warm, soapy water and do not leave your tumbler in a hot car. Unless your tumbler is double walled or insulated, only use with cold beverages.

  • Ensure your tumbler has fully cured for 72 hours before use.

  • Ensure there are no traces of epoxy left around the lip of your tumbler.  Use sandpaper or a blade to remove any resin that may have seeped under the tape: remove any sanding dust by wiping with a damp cloth. Wash your tumbler in warm, soapy water before use.

There you have it - 4 easy resin techniques and diy ideas for creating your very own custom tumbler!  

So whether you make a glitter tumbler, an alcohol ink tumbler or a marbled tumbler using tinted resin, we hope this tutorial has been informative and inspires you to get creative and make a resined tumbler of your own!

Do you want to find more resin crafts? See below our how-to tutorials. 


ArtResin: Made For Artists, By Artists.

About the author: Joanne Wright

I'm Joanne, the Content Manager at ArtResin. Originally from Canada, my home is now Indianapolis, Indiana. My love of all things creative and my entrepreneurial heart means I’ve worn many hats over the years including fashion producer & stylist, retail store owner, t-shirt designer, and even vegan baker! I am...